Hannah Jurewicz, PsyD
Dr. Hannah Jurewicz
Licensed Professional Counselor
Shannon Carlson-Bullock, LPCA
Licensed Professional Counselor Associate

Recovery Resources & Sober Living
Dr. Hannah partners with local community organizations to help serve the mental health and addiction recovery needs along the shoreline. Guilford Athletic Center and Dr. Hannah provide FREE coach-led classes followed by Recovery Meetings.
Dr. Hannah has collaborated with High Hopes Therapeutic Riding in Old Lyme and Mobility Works CT in Deep River to create a mental health and wellness program incorporating "Yoga for Life" and "Healing with Horses" immersive program for adults with stress and trauma. This program launched as a Wellness Retreat and was expanded into 2-month weekly sessions throughout the year.
Dr. Hannah collaborates with Journey Home Recovery Living to provide safe, sober housing for adults in recovery. These homes are CTARR certified (CT Association of Recovery Residences) supported by live-in house-managers who have long-term sobriety.
Use the links below to learn more about these valuable organizations and how you may access their services.